Return Exchange, and Refund Policy

  • We allow a one-time exchange for changes in size. 
  • Return and refund requests due to change of mind will not be allowed.
  • You may return any item purchased from within 15 days from the date of order delivery.
  • We can accommodate requests for changes in size for the same style and color only. 
    • If the size requested is no longer available, you may choose another color or style of the same value.
    • If the exchange item is of higher value, additional payment will be required and is computed upon completion of the return request process.
    • Exchange items that are below value from the original order will not be reimbursed and not be transferable to points.
  • The item/s to be returned should be in good condition, never used, and in its original packaging, along with all accessories and tags attached.
  • We cannot guarantee that the item for exchange will be at the same price as when it was bought. For any increase in price, the customer will be required to pay for any price difference or be requested to file for refund.
  • Processing and shipping of replacement pairs may take 6 to 14 working days from the date the items are sent for exchange.

Please take note that exchange requests are assessed on a case-to-case basis. If, upon evaluation, the pair is found to be defective, we will replace it with the same style, color, and size as what you originally purchased.

If you wish to refund purchases made on, it will be refunded based on your preferred option:

  • For paid orders (non cash payment or gift cards), refunds will be done through store credit or through the same payment method.
  • For COD orders, refunds will be done through store credit or via our GCash account to either your personal GCash account or your preferred bank. 

Processing of refunds may take 1 to 3 working days from the date the items are received at the warehouse.

Havaianas reserves the right to disapprove returned pairs that are worn out or damaged through improper use. If this is the case, no exchange will be allowed and the item will be sent back to the customer.

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